About Me

Hello! My name is William Kevin Broxton. I'm a Software Developer, Creative Artist and Producer who has a passion for music, gaming, and community building.

I am a Full-Stack web developer with a background in pastoral care, project management, and managing teams. I love serving and building up the people around me. I'm a dedicated team player with experience training, coaching, supervising, and inspiring staff.

WKB's Headshot

Tech Stack


Project One Image

The War of Next Gen Consoles

A 9th Gen game console (PS5 |Xbox Series X) themed version of the classic card game of War- Built with JavaScript, CSS & HTML with curated original audio.

View Here
Project Four Image

Change Calculator

A Change Calculator that dynamically displays appropriate change to render.

View Here
Project Five Image

AstroWeight Calculator

A simple app displaying your weight on various planets or star in our galaxy.

View Here


Sunsets and Sunrise

Way Back When


Til It's Over

Watch & Go